Uni life is great fun and I would definitely encourage you to make the most of it. I’m only 6 weeks into my course so far, and I have just completed the first placement for my course which was the most amazing learning experience (thank you Mayflower ward !), I have a group of wonderful flat and course mates, and I have joined the Plymouth Uni Swimming and Waterpolo club as a great way to keep fit and find even more friends. Plymouth as a city is a lovely place to live and there are some wonderful things to do!
I won’t lie to you though, Uni is hard. It’s the first time living away from home for most people and the course is definitely a step up from A-levels or college. I was 19 starting Uni and I thought I would be able to do everything by myself because I was all grown up and living away from home, but I don’t think I ever realised how hard it was to just think of food to eat every evening! I would seriously encourage anyone who needs help at Uni, no matter of age, gender or experience to ask, there is always support if you need it.